Don't Think, Just Write

A Man's Journey

Archive for the tag “A Movable Feast”

She’s a Lifetime Away

There’s a line, a lyric, a bit of prose

There’s a book, a poem, a story

There’s one true sentence

Hemingway talked about that sentence, we all do

She lives in that sentence, that line, that song

She laid on me with her entire body

Her feet on mine, legs on mine, stomachs, chests, lips

She had an ass that caused traffic to slow

A face that inspired one to write

A laugh that filled the dark rooms where we met

I knew I’d be the bad guy when it ended

Men prepare for that role

It ended when I needed to go

Hindsight is clear now

I think about her beauty, her long dark hair, her ass in my hands

All of her weight on me

We only had that moment and now

now she’s a lifetime away

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